Frozen Jr. by Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez (Music/Lyrics) and Jennifer Lee (Book) (The Theatre Company 2019)
Directed by Adrienne Dobson
My Roles:
Lighting Designer

Why This Show?
Quite simply, I was asked to step in when the previous lighting designer was no longer able to participate. I enjoy theatre designed for youth performers like the Jr series of MTI shows, and it seemed like it would be a fun style of show to work on.
Lessons Learned
Moving fixtures and inconsistent power supply and DMX connections were the bane of the lighting in this show. They required a significant amount of adjustments and changes over the run of the show to try and get them working as intended, and reinforced for me the importance of having effective training in place to ensure that technical systems are well-maintained and accurately documented.
The lighting system at this theatre was run by a single person for a long time, so a big part of this work was intended to help try to establish a sense of what was hung and how and where the dimmer packs were placed so that we could be more effective moving forward; that was varying degrees of successful.
This was the first show I had the opportunity to light with moving fixtures, which allowed for some fun effects. But as always in these types of shows, color played a big role, especially with the cyc wash along the back wall.